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261- FOR SALE-HOMES 181- TOR SRH-ROMM 261- FOR H0MIS 261- FOR SALE-HOMES rot HOMES FOR SALE-HOMES ta THE MUM! WRaiP Sunday Oer I 1W 261- FOR HOMES i HOlTUEXST BY OWNER DEATH 9o reel sacrifice of unusual ly leree Furn custom built CBS homo Ball Meed ereg bed 1148rooms 2 baths air Cord hardwood floor 2 cor carport 75 100 lot Unexcelled Bay View 820 000 (Will consular oflart Phcn 1 7151 NORTHWEST INCOME CBS 17 00 50TH ST 5IH AVE Purn 1 home end collage terms mnrf gagg $8 Corners Realty NE 3 2036 FURN 3 4th bedroom bath Ave NA 1 19440 LARGE 3 bedroom 1 bath chain link fence sprinklers patio cen tral heat extras Near shopping schools churches bus 2' i years md $1 10 down assume FHA mortgage 430 183rd St NA 4 488 Duplex Near Ktntnch Schools 2 bedroom unu wond floors file roof FHA mortgage avail ahie 342 434 Avt HI 8 4176 BY OWNER 3 bedroom 9 bath garaqe ahonning and bu- Makg cash offer 289 I9sth Tar WHY RFNT? INVESTIGATE TERRIFIC BUY $100 DOWN KEYSTONE Ida room fenced Point 7 bedroom Flor 0L 7 NORTHWEST $101 DOWN $77 month I bed onm CBS comer Naeds paint cleaning Excellent buy Broker PL 7 1 BEDROOMS Florid room corner lot fate over VA paymn( 16741 44th Court NA 4 741 OWNFR sacrifice Jbeiironm (81 Qualified party for FHA 358 102nd St MU Wf 4760 NW 6TH 8T a SPACIOUS 2 bedroom Baautlful Fior trta room hardwood floor garage Tg intnerf call Ftagar Realty Inc HI 8Mft Eva and 8 HI 3 347? 34(J Flagler OPEN HOUSE 160 1741 ST EXPECT to be envied when own Ing this on year new 4 bedroom 3 bath CBS $133 MONTHLY OPEN 3FE ANYTIME 120 19 1 sr OWNER LEAVING LOVFLY corner CBS completely Furn elr Cond Florida room many extra features Good FHA terms Allapattah Realty PL 1-0741 NEAR EVERYTHING 109 136TH ST OPEN 1 8FAUTIFUL 2 bedroom home on oversized corner lot Florida room garage well end pump Low down payment ACTION REALTY INC 2 $3 79TH ST PL 7 4 544 $200 DOWN NO CLOSING COST WATERFRONT CENTRAL heating and air eendl- boning bunt in erai galore including 15m TO' kidnev-ihaped poot (owner losing thousands) Benent ned oorch built lo feat ires H2 900 from one placed mortgage og total Open 9 8 Caltor visit jqoaiifvmg treat yourself to thu dreamhoise today! ART PRESENT RFAL ESTATE INC Wl 5 2aaI 1133 fe I6JRP STf ONLY I $77 MONTH LARGE 3 bedroom car porte srree 4301 2nd Ave PL 1 2426 NORTHWEST brand navy bedroom I bafh oak flnore bull! in GE oven end range red til porch awning win dons In par month Innude taxes and Insurance $11 904 full price no costs 1116 116th St WATFRPRONT new I bed rnom bath carport acraanad porch alectrlc built In kitchen i3 70 VA no cash down possession stores schools Owner NA 4 1512 3 BEDROOM I bath $1000 down payment Ilk rent Bv owner 2422 4th St CA 1-494 GOVFRNMENT RESALE OFFICE 14 PER month Lovely 1 bedroom nice section 11 schools stores A STONE REALTOR NA 3a23 $250 DOWN 2 BEDROOM MOVE right in No doting coite or Qualifying MU 8 2745 VERY nlcg CB5 3 bedroom 3 bath NortMifla Shopping OX i 3564 OPTION TO BUY IMMEDIATE OCCUPANCY $67 PER MONTH 3 BEDROOMS with acreened porch freshly painted like new In quire Miami Gardena Model Deri Broward line (NW 215th $1 Just east of US 441 NO DOWN PAYMENT Take over mortgage payment Immediate possession same day No ouelitylniA anyone can buy 311 NW 1S9TH ST 18410 31ST AVE 3251 33TH ST 8 9868 JE 1 5783 UN PL 8 4448 BRAND new large 2 bedroom duplex Must see has everything $1004 down only NE 3 3146 $79 PER MONTH BUILDER'S CLOSEOUT IMMEDIATE OCCUPANCY BRAND new 3 becirnom home choice locailnn full puce HI 990 Just a tew left 5490 total down $nt) DOWN musl Sell 2 bedrnnm CBS 207 NW 48th PI near Flag ler and 48lh Ava Nn ounlltvlng $87 dnwn $87 per month BEDROOM CBS like new Itov and refrigerator NA 4 5632 i BEDROOM CBS close trs every thing 280 NW 47nd St PL 1-6984 OWNFR 3 bedroom batn central heat Walk Northslrt Center $50 34th Ct OX 1 843 4 BEDROOM $14704 $44 DOWN FENCED corner lot enoliences pump stores erhools FHA By owner 1794 8th Av NA 1-430 NORTH SHORE HOSPITAL NW 91 ST ST LovetV 7 bed room full baths CBS with pdk floor Extra larqa master bedroom can bt made into 2 bedrooms tn closed oarage Tile roof Beautiful landscaped s1P0 lot Only $16 200 Drive by and call Wm Martin 7th Av rOS HOMES MUST BE SOLO I BEDROOM very moem Bum 7 bate So of mh St of Bic Blvd Unusual terms See thl Swan Realtor 105 NE 79te St BEAL BUY I BEDROOM 2 Nth horn on 10 front tot with featur aalora Must to appreciate Boot 6 8TH CT Dl PIETRO REAL EST ATE OPEN 10 TO A TU 7 BISCAYKE PARK 101) 11STH ST By owner 2 bedronm hardwood floor! Beau flfuily landscaped 75x152' fenced lot Sprinklers well end pump 18x36 pool Open 2 to 5 Sun OUTSTANDING -CLEAN 5440 NO MIAMI AVE 4 DUPLEXES SEE PRICED RIGHT! AIL AIR CORD AND FURN CALL MR HARRY Realtors 115 79TH ST PL 7-4 MO MU 1 8042 LOVELY Spanish 2 bedrooms hath extra lot Carpet drapes built lot Low down payment PL 18012 1158 DOWN 3 bedrooms t'b baths Co's schools bus shopping No Closing costs Broker MU 8 3605 NEW POOL DUPLEX I BEDROOM 1 bath tech tide Swimming pool awning windows mortem kitchen fully landscaped VM iking distance to school transportation and shopping An excellent buv I 540 14jrd St Roy Myers Builder DUPLEX greatly reduced Mrs reasonable offer over Ji7eno takes lovely lke new 2 bedroom oak floors tile roof heat high cool Live rent free Owner 169 Mth Ter PL 4-6059 1276 147th St 1 BEDROOMS 2 baths Eurn Unturn Many extras good flnanc Ing low down payment open 1-S HOWARD MASTERS 194 Bisc Blvd Realtor PL 1-010 SHOWPLACE ON THE BAY FURNISHED by Interior decorator central heat all electric kitchen bool (Ireolaca 3 bedrooms den full dining room 2'3 baths 2 car gar-aga boat ramp 115000 cash down 1 mortgage RAY DOCKUM INC FR 7-3685 PL 5641 East Of Biscayne Close To Bay 4 BEDROOMS 3'3 BATHS COMPLETELY FURNISHED beautiful corner CUT S2 000 TO $2 6 500 15000 DOWN 4 8 mortgage bank commitment $16500 FHA terms pending Sturdy construction Owner contractor returning North Nice gar- PL MIAMI SHORES I'M A sumptuous corner air Cond home with 3 plus bed rooms 3i baths screened ro patio lanai 2nd to none could go nn and on but corn bv Sun and sea why I boastful Tooth St and 5th Ave Suburban Real tv Co PL 12525 tft'v) pool 2 story 125' lot CHARMING 4 redroom bath ma'd room Marshall PL 1790 SALE OR RENT 4 BEDROOM bath Air-Cond beat 36 Grand Concourse Coen l-J JULIA SOTO BROKER PL I S22000 TOTAL I BEDROOMS 2 Nth Florid room air cond tlonmg nd Nat Sail Ban Hunf 0 Powall Co alter PL 7 3511 or PL 4 1464 ARE YOU HOUSE HUNTING? GENUINE SACRIFICES ALL OPEN 2 OWNERS ANXIOUS 10674 11TH AVE Modern 3 bedroom 2 bath bargain low 20 1147 97TH ST lovely bed room air-Cond Vacant Hurry 1 1 120 4TH ST Beet buy Nr nona Near Bay bedroom Furn 2)1 104TH DESPERATE 12 000 CASH or ranf Unfurn 1230 month 97TH ST Spadou 2 bedroom Many txtrat Seasonal rant With option 1207 2ND ST Modem rench 4 bedroom luxurious A buy MANY OUTSTANDING LISTINGS LOVELY sprawling 3 bedroom wide lot Reduced 110004 Can beet NOW DRIVE BY AND 4FE 102 101ST ST Immaculate Furn Central ilr-Cond Own term Rental too ELIZABETH ANSTINE Realtor Established 1941 NE 6TH AVE PL 4 6644 874 OPEN 1200 94TH ST OPEN OWNER WILL TAKE TRADE 4 BEDROOMS 2' BATHS Rambling ranch home with pool MODERN built in kitchen breakfast nook 2 car garage Air Cond heat Large closets $6 500 down LANG REALTOR PL 9-0672 EL PORTAL 411 88TH ST New 3 bedrnnm 2 bath Alt ting home features Russ Mason Builder BETWEEN BAY AND BOULEVARD NICE 2 bedroom and Florida room CBS on lovely street edloming Shores Widow anxious Call Mr Brown for details Hamilton Realty loc Realtors 11803 Biscayne Blvd PL 4 342 970 94TH ST SPACIOUS 3 bedroom bth dl-ning room Florid room screened porch cr orgg larg sprinkler ed lot Open 1 to 5 Fred Pareire Realtor PL 9 24M MIAMI SHORES AREA $t3 A MOST attractive spacious i CBS Florida room nice bed- I shaded grounds Terrific home buv in Choice location BEAT THIS $13 500 choice of terms $450 down owner cost pavs closing cost or i mortgaqe balance cash Atkins Re altor 226 79th St PL 7-34BI LOW CASH DOWN 801 NE 97TH ST IN THE MID 20'S 4781 177TH ST Waterway in rear A real iwimming hole 3 bedroom 1 hath central heat carport and modern kitchen with built-in range and oven Only 2' year new quick occupancy payment month Include text and ln other cost Miami Gardens HomesiU 8 6618 Webb Realty NW 1618 3 BEDROOM 2 bath CBS floors 2 year) old $lft995 IMturahr hardwood $104 tOI HOMES NORTH MIAMI ACK JPACIOU BFOROOM8 2 BATHS ONLY S800 DOWN ONE PHA MORTGAGE TRULY a heuutltul home now cant Graonu llvln area spacious beoroom carport laro corner ex client neighborhood near every thing Similar home thomands of SI more Total prlcg 111 400 real It today JACK FiSCH REALTOR 11M NE 161RD ST Wl 31431 HOME EOR MONEY WISE $79 MONTHLY LANDSCAPED CBS 2 bedroom gcr eened porch carport (extra) 512800 TOTAL INCLUDES refrigerator tov COMPLETELY FURNISHED BENFFIT trom placed mortgeo (no huaJ''T'N) It today you II love It ART PRESENT RFAL ESTATE INC EUL441 mj E- 43RD -ST FANIABULOUS JKYIAKE CUSTOM BUIIT 4 BEDROOM 2 bath AIR COND Wool carpeting drapes dreeing room Weil pump and sprinkler WASHER DRYER DISPOSAL ALSO FOR YOUR LUXURIOUS LIVING IS AN OVERSIZED SCREENED POOL-PATIO OWNER MUST SELL QUICKLYII LOW LOW CASHII GENE SNYDER Realtor Wl 7-3566 229 Sunny lle Blvd Miami Beach RENT free Investment and home ISI 169th si dne fo Clnver Leal Hosp No problem renting Open to 5 Sur and Mon Wl Service I lly Invest Co BEST BID WINS BFDROOM 2 bath no oualllylng Musi leave by Ocl 15 Wl 5 56ai FURN 3 BEDROOM 1 BATH $13200 FULL PRICE BLOCK to H)rd St Shopping Cen ter Outstanding value See it to davJACK FISCH REALTOR 1150 163RD ST Wl 5-1428 RETIREE'S HAVEN $40 MONTHLY LANDSCAPED carport patio CBS 1 bedroom $9990 TOTAL REFRIGERATOR stove well pumpl Walk to shops worship-nice neighborhood' See this! ART PRESENT REAL ESTATE INC Wl 5-2661 1133 163RD ST $500 DOWN BEAUTIFUL 1M 100 evoulsllely landscaped corner 3 BEOROOM 3 BATH Built In kitchen Glass enclosures In bath EXTRA LARGE FLORIDA ROOM AND SCREENED PORCH New wall to wall earpelmg $8761 Month No Closing COSTS 1 Excellent FHA mortgage "YOU CAN RESIST THIS HOME GENE SNYDER Realtor Wl 7-36 229 Sunny tales Blvd Miami Beach 'EXTRAS" 3 bedroom 3 bath Flor ida room A 1 terms Wl 51678 OWNER EXTREMELY ANXIOUS 17301 23RO AVE OPEN 15 3 BEDROOM 2 BATH $600 DOWN-SI 5700 TOTAL beautiful corner 1 FHA mortgage No dosing costs Many many extra WALK TO GREYNOLDS PARK DAVID MILLER "YOUR PERSONAL BROKER" Wl 5-6301 1989 NE 163 RD ST $750 TAKES over 3 bedroom bath corner lot $96 monthly pavs all Near school and everything Owner Wl 7 8315 WATERFRONT Sacrifice 3 bedroom 3 bath Furn fest offer Wl 7-1745 "REPOSSESSION" THIS extra larqa corner with a gorgeous 4 bedroom 2'i bath "DREAM" Includes carpels drapes well pump and sprinkler AIR COND FLORIDA ROOM AND SCREENED PORCH Also Bar fenced vard MAKE YOUR OFFER ABOVE A $12 850 MORTGAGE $86 MONTH GENE SNYDER Realtor Wl 7 3566 229 Sunny Isles Blvd Miami Bach OPEN HOUSE MODEL SELL OUT 3325-2335 19TH 5T COUNTY Souire Estates (Sky Lake ra) Terrific buys lakefront and 4 bedroom new CBS ge rage screened patio $20990 TOTAL BENEFIT from builder's sale get incorporated extras at no extra cost gracious spadou living is your on nominal down payment ART PRESENT RFAL ESTATE INC Wl 5-2661 1133 163RD ST MOD DOWN 569 MONTH BEDROOM 2 bath screened palls 1 FHA mortgaqe no closing costs County tares only TOTAL $12000 163RD ST REALTY INC NE 163rd St Wl 5 4116 1801 EASTVIEW 3 BEDROOM 2 BATH IMMACULATE JUST too big kitchen for only 7 people area Large eat In appliances all on living latest landscaped corner Only $134 month pays ail Priced to sel' JACK FISCH REALTOR 1150 163RD ST Wl 5-1428 WHY PAY RENT! MOVE INTO AIR-COND COMFORT FOR $500 DOWN 251- no Dade Broward line (N 215th St Just East ot 441 4 BEDROOM 2 bath CBS clean Reasonable Small down no cloa ing costs Owner MO 5 5161 MORTGAGE SACRIFICE 1211 171ST TER 3 BEDROOMS 2 baths CBS dh large lot stove and refrigerator move right In no qualifying no dosing cos! Buv pay Ilk rent Call owner FR 3 3304 LIQUIDATION SALE 1 REDUCED PRICES Including taxes and Insurance I'ARUL CifY GARDENS BRAND new 3 bedroom bath Many fine extras Sava over $1 OOO off original selling price Sea model ki vv tout A JONES REALTOR NA 6-4861 NEAT AS A PIN DEATH In family forces sale ot this completely Furn 2 bedroom homo packed with extras Asking $14 000 CARR REALTY PL 8 7626 thchorce brring Soottess In out k--rooms edar closets air cond bon-aog eno wprxsnopjnspecr inis cnoic chen equlppa live in Sea it er master bedroom lovely tie Ottering 2 5 daily at NORTH MIAMI BEACH NEW DUPLEX $20500 BY BUILDER 3 bath til mof built In oven hntel room feature icreen ratio 70 1 70th St Spacious Duplexes LIVE RENT FREE 1ST AVF 169TH ST LIVE IN thif beautHul new 7 bed room duplex free and rent in other lide 2 tpactotit bedroomi In each built in kite hem vanity tile bathrooms ipanout closets beautifully landscaped 3 homes In one Tod rental area near Clnverieaf Hcnnltat I6trd Shopping schools worship Prlcg $22 WO excellent financing Brokers protected inspect model house $5000 LOSS! SACRIFICE tale leaving country Air Cond 3 bedroom 3 bath swim pool fireplace Florida room sprinkler system plus 8 malor ap plianceil Builder's own home Open daily trom I to 5 1341 NE Hist St Wl 72324 I A LARGE air Cond duplex with built In kitchens end loaded with features Cell my Agent Suburban Realty Co PL 1 1401 fIST CT CLEAN 3 bedroom Funs home Widow will earry large 1st mortgage Suburban Realty Co PL 1 235 $11990 I BEDROOM 1 BATH 16)2 179TH ST SEE It TODAY 1 TO 6 IRV STEIN REALTY Wl 7 2931 W1 DOWN 610 19 1 ST OPEN 1 3 3 BEDROOM 2 bath tile rent terrezzo floor awnings pabo bar-becu sprinkler system fence Can be snld Furn Close to schools end sioppmg Priced 100 Nancy Johnson Realtor PL 4 8817 "SCHILLER FOR VALUE Speculative Zoned B-1 FURNISHFD BEDROOM HOME FEW blocks from new Cioverleaf Hoxnitat If converted for business ample room on lot deeo ONLY $10990 PHIL SCHILLFR Realtor METRO SHOPPING CEN1ER Wl 5-5494 2067 163rd WIDOW forced to sell 3 large bedroom 2 bath corner Etc 1 year new $15 500 1 7290 NE 5th Ave SENIOR CITIZENS SPECIAL ONLY $11500 CBS tile roof terrazzo flonre 3 bedroom In tie-top shape Carport refrigerator near park and busline $61 MONTH PAYS ALL 163RD ST REALTY INC 163rd St Wl 5 4116 1801 4 BEDROOM 2 BATH 1010 170TH TER For details call Lavac Realtor PL 9 8561 Wl 7 6261 CHOICE NMB LOCATION TREMENDOUS VALUE $10900 TOTL BEDROOM FURNISHED COMPLETELY AIR COND DAVID MILLER "YOUR PERSONAL BROKFR" Wl 5 6301 1989 163rd St 16145 21ST AVE Unfurn BEDROOM srner lot $12 50 total hom corner lot zoned for JuPleOnly 2lARY GILLESPIE Wl 7 3836 PL 7 2511 3 bed-lot 0 Powell Co Realtors $500 DOWN No closing cost rooms 2 baths Large corner LOVE REAL ESTATE UN 6 3500 BEST OFFER BUYS IDEAL Professional man 3 room 2 bath Pr aver home tral heat built-in kitchen Florida room 1050 181st St Wl 5-4191 TERRIFIC BUY 3 BEDROOM 2 bath Florida room air Cond sprinkler dishwasher FHA commitment No down payment Wt 5 5652 WINDWARD HOME PRICED LOW FOR QUICK SALE 3 BEDROOM 2 bath Florida room carport extras Furniture optional 1161 NE 178th Ter Wl 5 2172 BY BUILDER NEW bedroom 2 bath all electric kitcheo central heat garage over sized lot Overt 900 50 Ft ofliving space 320 St A real beauly' Open dally POOL HOME' $00 BEDROOM 2 BATH BURDINES Wl 7-1890 RETIREE'S DELIGHT $13900 TOTAL TILED roof CBS 7 bedronm (herd wood floors) carport retnoerator stove carpeting drape (extra galore) $47 MONTHLY PRESTIGE area near shoos temple transportation No qualifying (piac ed mortgage) ART PRFSENT REAL ESTATE INC Wl 5-2661 1133 163RD ST 7 4205 Your best buy vet Your terms 3 bedroom 2 bath F'onda Oak floorsheat extras WI BREEZE SWEPT" BEAUTY TOTAL $14300 SPOTLESS 3 bedroom 2 bath home wdh stove refrigerator air Cond carpeting drapes See this one for sure $77 PAYS ALL AT 4V2 163RD ST REALTY INC 1801 163rd St Wl 54116 MUST SACRIFICE LEAVING' ST will to wall cameling drapes sprinkler system 3 toi efr Cnnd many extras County taxr- n-uy $2 5n0 down $122 mo tn peys dll Wl 7-7776 Wl 7-8646 TOP BFACH I OF AT'ON 2 BEDROOM 2' BATH cen- FHA financing available Atfraeflve corner lixe new 2 bedroom 2 large rooms oversized garage REOECORATED house for desirable colored coup'd $1 000 down $66 month for 10 years $7000 1227 59th St TU 7 2913 noo FOR $4 000 equity 3 bedroom 2 bath 19000 23rd Ave Going North See owner at 114 SW 27th Ave job to near GOVERNMENT RESALE OFFICE 8990 BISCAYNE BOULEVARD YOU need $150 and a good buy a 3 bedroom home schools stores Pay $80 month A STONE REALTOR PL 4-2648 1750 DOWN NO QUALIFYING POSSESSION TODAVI 2 krm bedroom CBS Air Cond oak floors Florida ciALjtxi' Realtor 240 79th St PL JM1551 BY OWNER 3 bedroom 1 bath completely Furn Livinq and dining area wail to wall carpetmq and air Cond drapes blinds Washing machine pump many extras all clean 1 biok to school Stove and re friqerafor Lot landscaoed with hedge One mortgage FHA 17310 41st Ave NA 4 786 CLOSE in 3011 6th St Large 2 bedroom larqe fenced vard en closed garage Furn or Unfurn See after 30 PM all day Sat Sun BIG $10 MX) CLOSE IN BEDROOM CuS PLUS COTTAGE Bert Best 8i Asoc FR 9 2775 HOME ON LAKE MIAMI SHORES WORTH INVESTIGATING TO AND you will find beautiful 3 bedroom 2 bath central heat and air Cond homa completely Purn Meld room and bath 8 car garage Also swimming pool 1201 HTH ST 3 if DROOM 1 Nth flnet location centre! Nt and Ir Cond i cr garaea 1223 99TH ST LOW DOWN PAYMENT NEW learleui 3 bedroom 2 bath ally converted to 4 bedroom It dxlreq Cenral heat end air Cond Near country club 1020 WH ST PRICE REDUCED 3 BEDROOM hill dining room htt living 7ygtgm oossibulH He eorlnkler 575 5TH ST completely 3 BEDROOM 1 bath Furn plus 2 car garage and guest house Beautiful grounds near all conven fences 117 95TH ST HERNDON REALTY CO REALTOR 745 9IST ST PL 3683 CHARMING FL PORTAL OUT OF TOWN OWNER SELLL v' ur ll-rwr U(3CIS 3C ING IMMACULATE modern home hardwood floor garage Low price term Cell Mr Diement PL 7 7263 Deans Realty FABULOUS Furn bedroom 2 bath Fiorina room garage $123 month Iv plus down payment pay Ilk rent No closing costs ANTONIO SOTO Broker PL 7-0064 WORTH MIAMI NEW custom built modali by bonder 1115 135th SL Wl 7-A463 SPIC Span 2 bedroom CBS Til roof oak floors well kot ya-d 110 990 Tarms to suit 435 13ath St MU 15291 MIA house Furn 4 rooms end bath corner lot $)0 00 Mrs Anne Johnson Sioatburg DUPLEX 3 PFDRQOMS baths bed years ol(f Near 75 x140' lot 515 rooms 1 bath buses and school 137th St $9fK) DOWN 3 bedrooms 2 beths Florida room Ideal location Tu roof oak terrazzo floors lot Owner 1545 l401h St 450 DOWN NO CLOSING COSTS $78 16 MONTH Modern 1 bedronm CBS with Florida room and carport At FHA valuation $13 600 SPITZER Realtor 1201 Bite Blvd PL 9 8741 $795 DOWN $75 MONTH 2 BEDROOMS FLORIDA ROOM NO QUALIFYING PRICE $10 cno STAR REALTY Realtor! PL 4 0909 BEDPOOM horn larg corner lot near schools bus ahoopmg churches hardwood floors separate dmlnq 12901 13th Ava PL 9 2777 $13000 $400 DOWN 14025 12TH AVE OPEN 2 5 SPACIOUS 2 bedroom Florida room deg near stores schools Dixie Hwy FHA terms 575 month ANSTINE REALTOR PL 4 6644 DUPLEX 3 YEARS 3 AND 2 bedroorm 2 and lovely kitchen large lot fvans Realtor PL a7a)1 Realtor pl 8 7631 1 bath WARD HELP! BELOW NO CLOSING COST $450 down $13 450 total owner 3 BEDROOM wood Poors automatic oil heat nice kitchen storm shutters many extras ooen daily 225 129th St MU 15615 GAME LOST 2 BEDROOM CBS ONLY SI SO DOWN NO QUALIFYING MOVE RIGHT IN SI 25 MONTHLY PAY LIKE RENT PRICE 13600 17215 11TH CT George Frederick Realtor PL 9 6511 400 133RO ST NO PAYMENTS TILL JAN 1 THE only 1 mortgage on this CBS 2 bedroom partly Furn home Corner lot fenced yard ct tv water sidewalks Vacant move right in Only $1 800 down total price $10100 BLANK REALTY REALTORS 10117 27th Ave OX 6-1551 WATERFRONT JUST REDUCED TO $17500 BEDROOM 2 bath plus maid's room and bath with Central heat on 81'x 202' lot Nancy Johnson Realtor PL 9 8812 ASKING $28 500 OWNER ANXIOUS TO SELL KEYSTONE Pt waterfront pool screened patio 2 bedrooms 2 bath Florida room Alt carpeting and draperies included 2125 Ixora Rd PL 4 8879 YOUR SEARCH IS ENDED 14485 10TH AVE OPEN 1-S BEAUTIFUL modern as tomorrow 2 bedroom 2 bath home plua Florida room and enclosed garage Neat as pm NANCY JOHNSON Realtor PL9 8812 12885 Dixie Hwy $9990 TOTAL DUPLEX completely Eurn 9 bed room each side fenced lot roned 3 near 167th St LAVAC REALTOR PL 9 8 561 Wl 7-6261 OPEN 2-5 TODAY 25 NW 131ST ST READY to move right in this ts a newly painted 3 bedroom home near school and shopping Good kitchen equipment carporte fenced yard welt and Pump $13000 good tSHT's Powell Co Realtor 8116 Bisc Blvd PL 7-2511 $71 MONTHLY INCLUDES TAXES INSURANCE ONLY $350 down no dosing costs Real sharp 2 bedroom CBS Big 127th St PL 1-7094 OPEN INVESTIGATE NE 2ND AVE 3 bedrooms 2 baths plus efficiency Aot plus acres cleared marl land No closhig costs Mr Kates Field Realtor PL 4 5051 BUY WITH RENT $350 DOWN no Qualifying Move right In Bafancg under $100 month Including taxes and insurance Newly decorated 7 bedroom plus den on 60xi2d' lot Nancy Johnson Real-tor PL 9 8812 12865 Dixie Hwy CUBANS be good American citizens Own your home and business This lovely 3 bedrooms largo living dining and Florida room kitchen end back porch garage and equipped work shop for interior decorators and yobelsterers S25uO cash $75 monthly $8 000 mortgage PL 9 6404 3 BFDROOM 7 BATH BREEZE5WEPT BEAUTY PRICED TO SUIT YOU S86-MONTHLY ONLY ONE MORTGAGE A LOVELY home with many many practical extra Built In feature air conditioners carpeting drape ETCETC ETC AND LANDSCAP- ED BEAUTIFULLY SEE OR CALL JEAN GREENFIELD KAISER LEE-REALTORS PL 7 488 MU 1-6062 Eyes Call Jean NA 1-9845 -BISCAVNE GARDENS OWNER MUST SACRIFICE HIS SPACIOUS AIR COND 3 BATH HOME At 14343 $2500 DOWN GARDEN DRIVE Wl 7-8872 NO $40 DOWN best NORWOOD BUY CLOSING cost Move right In Newlv decorated 3 bedroom 2' bath CBS ialouied Florida room 1 sparkling tile roof 140' lot Priced wav below FHA value Total $13500 Call owner Wl 7 6059 NORTH MIAMI BEACH 3 BEDROOM? BATH LARGE LOT WNIER '5 SACRIFICING LUTtl-'E IOM Show Pier bedrnnm 2 bath 800 Sd Ft tropical planted screened patio Wall to wall carpet I1a and custom draoes throughout Pt- living room in th srP! Drlv E' MUST sell 1131 NE 713th Ter 3 bedronm 2 bath C6s7 screened ch YU 3-3084 Hywd LAKEFRONT Sacrifice Swimming floating 4 Bedrooms Sell at FHA appraisal price 1885 154th Ter yu 9 8994 (Hywd DRIVE BY 170 NE 171ST TER $25 Deposit $77 Month NO CLOSING COST 1 MORTGAGE BFDROOM CBS terge lot awm mgs city wate plus well tov txtra large door refrigerator VISIT A 8 REALTY CORP 958 NW 7TH AVt PL 4 209 BUfLTln extrea air CaiOrt Inrluding rg frigerator Hove Nutoo blender dreoe Etc Seiler pay cloing jmt (benefit ha valuation '7 Wl Se it tndav ART PRESENT REALfSTATp INC Wl Wl 5-2661 1133 163RD ST REPOSSESSIONS 2 3 1 3 3 3 In to $15 2 A Wl built to chen 1 to 1141 heated partly air Cond oversized closets Country Club privileges PL 4 4294 OPEN AFTERNOONS DAILY These Owners Want Offers 125 94TH ST OPEN 2 5 Lovely modern 3 bedroom 2 bath central air Cond 9401 2ND PL OPEN 51 Purn 2 bedroom plua dn 1260 93RD ST MODERN 3 bedroom 2 bath DUCED BELOW COST RE- 4819 4TH AVE RD LARGE 2 bedroom 1 bath Lovely enclosed garden 186 106TH ST FURN 3 bedroom 2 bath Owner gone must sell 10125 NORTH MIAMI AVE BEAUflFULLY Furn 2 bedroom 2 bath huge Florida room 1145 11PTH TER 3 BEDROOM 2 bath Lowest price Owner anxious LAURA MCCARTHY REALTOR 187 55th St PL 1-1641 $2 000 REDUCTION! New York own- er slashes price to $175001 Modern CBS Oak floors tile roof garaqe Florida room air Cond Heat 75x a 1122 lot plus alley Sidewalk and 20 Ft parklngi Galpm Realtor PL 1 1318 Beautiful new residence I Bedrooms 3 baths den Pool built In kitcherr 134) 103rd St Priced Below Appraised Value 3 BEDROOM air Cond mart-gage Florida room Owner 78 107th St PL 9-0613 1110 104TH ST 2 LARGE bedrooms 2 baths aluminum windows tile roof big cosets garage This home is clean and excellent condition $5 000 down LANG REALTOR PL 9 067? ALL OF OUR CLIENTS LEAVE HAPPY DUE TO COURTEOUS SERVICE OPEN 53 102ND ST ESTATE-MUST BE SOLD BEDROOM 2 bath nicely Furn 3 a i Seeing Is Believing BEDROOM' bath 2 car gar age On 150 lot 39 loom Ter NEAR Barry College 3 bedroom 2 bath Sift 500 No dosing costs JULIA $01 OJBROKERPL 19014 BISCAYNE' Park 11433 11th Pf 3 bedroom cBS Florida room air Cond heaters stove refrlgera tor large corner lot sprinkler tern By owner transferred 240242 108TH CORNER duplex near St Rosa of Lima and Miami Shores Eelemen tary block to bus Large 2 bed room Apt leased Cali for ap pomtment BRfcTTHAUER CO REALTORS 8410 1ST PL PL 195)2 SELL or trade equity in sradous waterfront home with boat dock and poot foe Incoma property or cheaper home area 757 77th Ter DUPLEX 1954 CBS oak floor til root city sewer 75 139 $14 900' I Galpm Realtor PL 11318 COLORED! clean 2 bedroom CBS $8 700 Gain In Realtnr'PL 8 till KEYSTONE BARGAIN -beautiful bedroom 2 bath Unfurn Owner transferred 11180 Orteno Lana Open Sun I to Call Kav KUne HERSCHE 8 ENGELBFRG 1025 Kant Concourse UN 5-7472 $6 960 TOTAL SACRIFICE CBS homa Furn month mortqagt payment Swan Realtor 105 79th St PL H658 Open Sunday CBS LARGE home 5 bedrooms 2'i baths near Bay 435 Tar rare bargain $14500 terms Buck man FR 1-3093 igAST of Boulevard Nice 2 hedroom Furn CBS home FHA financed Real good buy Se today at II 17th St LIVE IN BAY POINT 2 3-4 Bedr iom Loti Ask at Gate House to Inspect REESE COMBS REALTOR PL 4133 REPOSSESSED 1 YEAR old 3 bedroom 2 bath In tves Estate 1712 13th PI Cost $19 00 Assume bank payments Sg month Price 115900 with no cash or costa PL 7-1511 PL 4 4737 OPEN 1 TO 6 360 170TH ST 10W AS MO DOWN 2 HUGE bedrooms tug roof port sprinkler system shefl fruit 7TU ixxiHtt MUJ 70 14647 7TH AVE MU 1-1172 WATERFRONT-NEW 900 DOWN 82ND ST AND BISC BAY CENTRAL AIR COND 3 bedrooms 3 baths 2 car garaae Selling at cost Turn east off Bisc Blvd on 83rd St drive to Bav turn right 120 82nd St Owner-Builder on property today SKYLAKE 11 500 DOWN HUGE 3 bedroom 2 bath beautiful In kitchen 2 2 300 loss I So Ft owner suffering great ADORABLE BREEZE5WEPT 16 500 SUPER VALUE 1 1 3 bedroom 2 bath Area ot high priced homes $999 down To see call Kitty Anderson Hamilton Realty Inc PL 4-3492 11805 Bisc Blvd $400 DOWN 3 BEDROOM 2 BATH SCREENED FLORIDA ROOM FULLY FURNISHED INCLUDING CARPETING $12 500-57192 MONTH GENE SNYDER Realtor Wl 7-366 229 Sunny Isles Blvd Miami Beach 545 68th St Air Cond fenced Yard near school S18500 OUTSTANDING BUYS 550 56TH ST OPEN 2 5 Lovely 5 bedroom 4 bath den Modern built In kitchen separate dining room lovely beamed celling living room large Florida room All on 1 floor plus 2 bedrooms and bath over 2 car garage 493 55TH ST OPEN 2 5 Corner privacy Spacious 4 bedroom i bath 2 car garage On 1 floor 7415 BELLE MEADE DR BOAT DOCK beau- iful planned tri-level 3 large bed rooms 3 baths central air Cond laura McCarthy realtor 187 55th St PL 1-1641 SECLUDED BEAUTY MAGNIFICENT LANDSCAPING MUST see: 3 bedroom 2 bath huge lol Early American Furn air Cond Open a'l day owner Wl 7-5284 455 164th St SPECIAL FANTASTIC REDUCTION MODEL CLOSEOUT THE FINEST LOCATION 180 332ND ST 3 BEDROOM 2 BATH HARDWOOD FLOORING CENTRAL HEAT MICA CABINETS WESTING HOUSE KITCHEN APPLIANCES A LARGE SPACIOUS HOME LOW DOWN PAYMENT NO CLOSING COSTS OR QUALIFYING ARLENE DOLL HOMES MIAMI SHORES LOVELY 2 bedroom CBS house Owner 218 92nd St MIAMI Shores best buy east of Bisc Blvd 2 bedroom 2 bath 1160 NE 102nd St PL 4 9496 Brand New Colonial Air Cond completely equipped 375 102nd St Open daily Mavmo Ryan Broker PL 7-7883 MIAMI SHORES SLEEPER 3 BEDROOM 3 bath plus den bar patio detached workshop Beautiful grounds Only $t8 5CO low cash down FHA WALKER Realtor 240 79th St PL 8-0551 BY OWNER save money Waterfront east of Bisc Blvd Finest in the Shores Like new 3 large bedrooms a baths built-in kitchen large patio central air Cond and heat complete sprinkler system 2 car 9arage with radio controlled door sea wail with boat dock storm shutters Price is right Open all day 1449 104h St PL 9-0003 OPEN 10 TO MIAMI SHORES SUBDIVISION 8400 DOWN 585 107TH ST BARREL TILE ROO LARGE 2 BEDROOM HOJE MAKE ADDITIONAL BEDROOM FROM LARGE CARPORT $12 000 TOTAL PRICE AXMAN REALTOR PL 4-4685 3 BEDROOMS 2 baths close to country club $25 98th St CENTRAL air Cond atfraeflve open plan 3 large bedrooms 2 baths corner lot Owner PL 4 3905 Bv owner OPEN Now Vacant 300 101ST ST NEAR CENTER 2 Baths Large Rooms SEE THIS' GOOD NEIGHBORS AND nice children on thit eutet shady Miami Shores street Idea! home for small family or retired enuoie The price is right Call Mac Donnell 0 Powell Co Realtors PL 7 2511 AT LAST BEAUTIFUL 3 bedroom 7 bah 7 car garage in heart of Miami Shores at 333 103rd St Lot 100 x123' alley In rear Phone Keenan 0 Poweii co a a 1 1 a PL 7 2511 or PL 1-3990 PRICED FOR QUICK SALE 314 94TH ST BFDROOMS baths 7 car ge rage Formal dining room Large living room Big Florida room breakfast nook Sprinkler system Large wafled yard $5 wf down LANG REALTOR PL 9-0672 NEAR GOLF COURSE EXCELLENT location beauHful fenced yard 3 bedroom 2 bath nicely Furn OPEN 2 TO 118 99TH ST Call Mrs Thomas PL 9 3543 JPowellCo Realtors PL 7 2511 Screened Pool And Patio Area INCLUDED with lovely 3 bedroom CBS home in beautiful area ad- lining Snores Just 500 With gnod rll AA Beaum imm a44l I term Call Mr Brown for details Hamilton Realty nc Realtor 1 1005 Btsravne Bivd PL 4 349? ill owner will sacrifice LUXURIOUS large CBS 4 bedroom den 2 b(ha plue 1 bedroom CBS houe (or 9'ff "i or income a step to Snore $25 W) excellent trrn-j Cali Mr Diamant Deani Realty PL 7 7263 I 3 3 2 3 FULL PRICE $14 900 $900 DOWN OR TRADE BOATING SWIMMING FISHING WATER SKIING AT HOME 3 BEDROOMS 2 LARGE VANITY PATHS LIVING ROOM 27X15 lnr WTH CEILING HARDWOOD CFI I FNT FLOORS THIS HOUSE BUILT TOttWLtNI SELL FOR OVER $20000 COME tNI TO 2841 175TH ST $8 Driv MU 8 6616 7th BISCAYNE 3 (SOWN OTHFR 4 BEDROOMS month pay all Sea ai tilth St or cal) Mr MO 7 62)4 um Miller at SACRIFICE Houae $1 000 Equity NA car furniture 4 6477 $55 DOWN 326? NW 69TH ST Furn home $55 month $59 DOWN bedroom 1516 NW 82ND home month Smell Bum $59 DOWN 361 33RD ST Hialeah malf bungalow newiy painted $S9 month $65 DOWN 767 112TH 3 bedroom home Jalousied porch lenarate dmlnq room fenced vard $65 month No closing cost UN 6 5562 Mr Wilson TRADE YOUR OLD HOME IN ON A NPW 3 BEDROOM 2 BATH FLORIDA ROOM NEXT TO WESTVIEW COUNTRY CLUB NO MONEY DOWN HARDWOOD FLOORS MOVg IN TODAY $15 LOW MONTHLY PAYMFNTS SEE SALFSMAN 120TH ST JE ST-JE 8 405972 bath CBS hrd- 3 BEDROOM 7 wood floorv 7 VMr $495 down $86 month pay all Se at 1881 NW 111th St or call Mr Stevens at MO 7 6234 3 BEDROOM CBS $450 DOWN-1561 13TH CT SELL FOR FHA APPRAISAL ALLAPATTAH REALTY NE 5-7961 NO QUALIFYING NO COSTS NO $90 VONTH PAYS ALL 3 BEDROOM PL 7 9501 3 BEDPOOM ta-ge lot small faulty See owner at 2994 7th St COLONIAL front for that rich look Brand new 3 bedroom close in 3092 15th St REPOSSESSION bed room built-in range ctrport $J90 down $85 month Broker Wl 5 4581 Eves YU 3-7234 CBS tile roof bedroom 1 bath pool patio barbecue fenre well pump sprmkler system HP air gala by owner Cond 916500 For )5g0 )30th 3300 13TH AVE OWNER 3 bedrooms No dosing costs no Qualifying MU 8 0769 $100 DOWN NO QUALIFYING NO CLOSING COST 3 BEDROOM 1 bath built In rand and oven GE refrigerator GE waher and dryer Immediate pos-session $99 mnnth pavt all MAINLINE REALTY INC 4 3572 NA 4722 LITTLE RIVER AREA 451 82ND ST Total 117 400 CBS 2 bedroom bath Hard wood floor Florida room cnrpotf Tile roof wine cellar Mvi30 lot with fruit treea city water taxea bv then call Wm Martin Webb Realty Corp 11575 Ave GAPno-N PFAUTY Du Nr" FAYS ALL COSTS Tf IS IS AN EXDEAL OX 1-4206 AG- 2 baths CBS re duc-d $3 000 for lust sale Total prire $15 09 2 OTHERS TO CHOOSE FROM MrNICHOLAS REALTY PL 4 81 7927 7th Avo PL 1-792 VALUE REPOSSESSED LOCAL Institution hai lust taken over this lovely 3 bedroom 2 bafh CBS home 2 year old It will be aoid to a reponsible buyer this wek end for the loan value only Imme diate possession no closing costs no qualifying $495 down balance payable at month no 2nd mort gage See it daily from It to 6 at uoi 6ist PI Hia or ci MO 7-6234 Miller Broker 2 BEDROOM frame large lalousled Florida porch Total prieg $9500 1497 32nd St NE 3-6284 SACRIFICE BY OWNER FOR Quick aie 3 bedroom I bath MU 8 2434 A REAL HONEY $350 CASH DOWN TO FHA commitment of $11150 Clean CBS Oak floor Tile roof Screened porch Awning tvoe win- 1 AlernnN dows corner lot Fenced Air-Cond See thlj todayl Call Parker Realty 625 123rd PL 9 3931 Foreclosure Sacrifice TWO 3 bedronm homos with carportes and oil built in appliances fn pond condition Liberal terms 19930 and 20030 3rd Court 1601 NW 40TH ST Three 2 bedroom units Furn dut lex and neat cot tags with tot of closets 5 blocks to Allapattah bus'ness and Jarksnn school Only $14 500 Ann Robshaw Realtor PL 8 7596 CALLED TO ACTIVE DUTY LARGE 3 bedroom 2 bafh adlacent to Country Club on navigabit wa terwav Ski or fish from your home $95 month pavs ail 17ono total Gl mortgage By owner 1021 202nd St NA 4 7710 15X00 SWIMMING Pool 3 bedronm CBS $350 downtowner MUJ-IBS ngTclosing COSTS AT all' $400 $71 MONTH 3 BEDROOM 2 BATH PL 7 9501 VERY modem 3 bedroom 2 bath CBS carport utility room large lot built in stove and oven like new $150 down no closing costs 945 Curtis Dr Ope Locka Goodman Peal Estate 2688 42nd St Phone OX 1 0380 4 BFDROOM 7 bath 162nd St near 27th Ava $250 down $100 month HI 6 7727 $8 900 TOTAL 2 bedroom CBS like new built in kitrhen 1040 Superior St Opa tLockaCAJi 0810 BIGGEST VALUE IN TOWN FURN 3 BEDROOM ONLY $6 909 2619 19th Ave Be flrct-Call TU 8 2477 Eves TU 7 989 Realtor 1 BEDROOM 2 BATH ONLY $70 IN NEED ot repairs zoned R3 Excellent close in location Open 1978 27nd Ct NOLAN WARDY REALTOR NE 4 1009 HI 3 5288 PAY LIKE RFNT NO MONEY Down 3 bedronm 1 bath tlla mot corner tenre $89 per month OwnerMO 5 5126 Bv owner 81rd Ter AIR Cond bedroom Furn Indud mg RCA stereo Zenith TV dim nun '--eu triinn whr washer dryer dnoe "Trir'alnr" No rlit ina rntli PI 4 VIl cimmg coif PL 4 5040 J240 NW 107ND bedroom end Fionde room Smell pev- menl $75 per mnnth na cirmlnq co' nn qualifying Phene 696-1872 or 821-1631 LOOK' FURNISHED LAKE FORRFST AREA NO RED TAPE-MOVE IN TODAY $175 $79 MONTH LOVELY bedroom far ROft screened porch tn 790 total or will trade Owner NA 1-1965 PL $87 MONTH BRAND pew bedrnnm biiftf In kitchen FfC Etc Owner want MAINLINE REALTY INC 4 8722 NA 4 3571 NA $11990 TOTAL CBS TILE ronf hardwood floori lard corner lot fenced yard aw nlngs well and pump few yard FrIX Really PL 2918 CONVENIENT LOCATION BFDROOMS Florida rnom 2 BFDROOMS Florida rnom caf port sprlnklar svslem fenced rear yard Close to Edison School end St Marvs Only $1 40 Terms GuIN stream Really PL 4 6951 NO DOWN $97 MONTH 3 BEDROOMS 2 BATH PRACTICALLY new LATEST PEA TURES Nice section near schools shopping Vacant cnova right Tn 2374 172nd Ter ROSEMAN REALTY HI 4-6211 SEE THIS AT 810 504 GOOD I bedroom buy Area Shadowlawn Curley High end Noire Dam Academy Yes terms Cell Mr Hndsden Atkms Realtor 226 79th $1 PL 7 3481 Eves PL 9-0869 $395 DOWN $67 MONTH ATTRACTIVE 3 BEDROOM CBS GOOD CATION AUSTRIAN I 6372 LIKE NEW 125 57 26TH ST CUSTOM bull! bedroom each eld cM ALLAPATTAH REALTY PL 1-8741 $400 DOWN FHA 2921 17TH TERRACE 3 BEDROOMS AND FLORIDA ROOM $12 40(1 TOTAL all fenced yard awnings large utility Owner gone to ae call A Mann 665-1703 or THE KEYES CO 234 Bisc Blvd Realtor i FR 119 TO 5 3030 90TH ST 1390 DOWN S73 MONTH NO CLOSING COSTS CUSTOM built lovely 2 bedroom CBS equipped kitrhen oak floors car-porta large lot a doll house BRIGHT REALTOR PL 7 844 PRIDE OF OWNERSHIP 2130 8TH ST OPEN 1 1 IMMACULATE 2 bedroom home Florida room utility room hardwood floors EZ terms ACTION REALTY INC 253 79TH ST PL 7-4544 NO DOWN PAYMENT 237 171ST TER New bedroom 2 bath $99 month 16224 NW 37TH AVE CBS 3 room tile bath garage $75 month Move right In UN 6-2288 NO DOWN $96 MONTH 12125 20TH CT 3 BEDROOMS Florida room awnings workshop Near schools shop ping Vacant move right In ROSEMAN REALTY HI 46211 2461 NW RIVER DR (NW 74TH AVE AT 18TH TER) THA-S750 DOWN LARGE 3 bedroom CBS Florid) room 98' 141' lot Hardwood floors Plenty closets Carport plus 20' 20' garaqe Priced below FHA valuation NO CLOSING COSTS Guiet( Hidentjal eree Call A Re UUirii i ca turn i to maqii PL 9-U904 RAMAGLI REALTY NE 5-4501 NORWOOD $200 DOWN NORUND school eree A deodv bdroom 2 both home with ring end retnqeretor In too eree Quirk occupancy 1 mortgage payment $91 month pay all Value" MAINLINE REALTY INC NA 4 822 NA 4-371 3 BEDROOM 2 hath split level CBi awninqs sprinkler everything Distress! Only $13990 $500 dnwn $83 month Galpin Realtor PL 8 1318 MUST BE SOLD RFALLY ATTRACTIVE HOUSf 2 LARGE bedrooms Florida room central heat large fenced yard car port patio barbecue partially furnished It you want something reaiy nice at a bargain price be sur to se thi Asking $13500 Open to ANY otter RAY DOCKUM INC 7 3(BS PI $450 CASH $86 MONTH 3 BEDROOMS 2 bath CBS central heat and central air Cond well pump sprinkler system awnings many ax Iras near school but ano stores Frlx Really PL 9-2938 MOVE RIGHT INI NO CLOSING COSTS! 3 BEDROOMS 2 BATHS ST I GXH uVe R1 FF ER ATO WE5TINGHOUSE RANGE FULL TILE KITCHEN CARPORT STORM SHUTTERS FENCED REAR YARD $450 DOWN $82 MONTH ONE MORTGAGE $14300 TOTAL Walk To School Shop Bus OPEN 1 PM SHARP! 931 NW MOTH ST SELLER will pay your closing costs! Only $40 down halancg on mortgage $82 32 monthly pays principal mtrrest and FHA Insurance Total price only $14 VO ABBOT REALTY 1308(1 NW 7th Ava MU J18 NO DOWN $89 MONTH 3410 I76TH ST LOVELY 2 bedroom fenced yard cer porta slove refrlgereior Vacant move right In ROSEMAN REALTY HI 8-4211 POOL HOME A REAL BARGAIN AT $18 WI First time ottered st this price OPFN 2 5 14770 IOTH AVF NICELY Furn don miss seeing this a It has load of extras! Gulfstream Realty PL 4 691 3 BFDROOM 3 beth completely Furn Ilk new Larg lot PricH mmt reasonable Just off Flagler 52nd Ave Wm fhaynt Realtor FR 4-5164 DUPLEX 012 J90 MIAMI SHORES AREA CBS tide by tide Convenient lore tion Nice hnm and income De tail and full detail' Atkin Realtor 226 79tb St PL 7 3481 2 BFDROOM CBS HOME LARGE fenced yard Near 7tti and 19th Ave 12 500 Prlrg With $11600 FHA mortgage available RUFFNER Ht 0 THE KEYES CO jj gc Blvd Realtor FR 1 559J 1 TO $-2155 91RD ST NO CLOSING COSTS $390 DOWN $75 MONTH NEAR JUNIOR COLLEGE IMMACULATE 3 bedroom Florida rnom CBS home lerga landscaped lot file ronf pax floor terrific bargain A doll house BRIGHT REALTORS PL 13330 NW 18TH COURT BFORpOM2 bate targe fiosef erpv r-Lfga-'-g RFOUCFO TO ONLY i7hOO 2-5 A mnnth OPEN TODAY 2-5 A REAL BARGAIN Lamb Realtor FL 4Uil Large living room separate dining dining room beautiful screened patio room Close to schools shopping with rock garden range refrlgera-Etc tnr air conditioner Only $11 0130 7 91 ST ST Mr Dahl MO 7-360! Dadeland Realty BRAND new 3 bedroom corner with central heat Cond Room for pool SMALL down payment no closing costs 3 bedrooms bath carport 165 OPEN 1 TO 5 17 Ut NORTH MIAMI AVE BEDROOM home on nicely landscaped corner lot Tile roof terrazzo floors sprinkler system Home has reverse cycle heat and air-Cond Larqa teo down Florida room with walnut paneled wall with built TV and cabinet Appliance wall wall carpeting and drenes in- LOVELY OVERSIZED CORNER eluded FHA available wth Isno'BY OWNER 3 bedroom 2 baths OPEN! 1590 NE160TH CORNER 3 bedroom 2 bath air Cond equipped kitchen Beautiful landscaping terrific buy 601 NE 58TH STREET IN SELECT Bavshores phone Allen Wl 5 7070 Eves VIRGINIA PINTO Realtor PL 11822 REDUCED TO $29500 MEDALLION HOVE CORNER-WATERFRONT LOT NEW laroe 3 bedroom 2 bath 9 CLOSETS 2 car garaqe county DRIVE on Miami Ave to 143rd St THEN EAST 1 block 10 5 PM daily BUILDER Wl 51654 or MU 5-1379 ROSE OF LIMA 351 117TH ST New 3 bedroom 2 bath home for particular buyers Russ Mason Builder 430 U6TH ST Furn custom built 2 bedroom separate dining room Florida room tile bath (space for 2nd bath) large garage 2 reverse cycle air Cond gas logs Large lot fruit trees sprinkler system PL 4-0836 NO MONEY DOWN LOVELY 2 bedroom horn with existing VA mortqag no oualifv-Ing MU 5-2772 19830 Miami Ct LUXURY DUPLEX 14405 NE 5TH AVE SPACIOUS sprawling 2 bedrooms 2 baths Florida porches each unit OPEN DAILY 1 TO 5 CARR REALTY PL 1 7626 MODEL HOMES NE 7TH CT From 147th To H9th St Latest Modern Convenience LARGE FAMILY ROOMS 3 BEDROOMS 2 BATHS 2 CAR GARAGE LARGE SCREENED PATIO SWIMMING POOLS AS LITTLE AS 12500 DOWN OPEN DAILY I TO CARR REALTY PL 17626 WATERFRONT BARGAIN KEYSTONE CUSTOM BUILT 3 BEDROOM 2 BATH Double garage boat dork on 10O' waterway Owrer left town reduced for aulek sale $26500 1880 124th St Open 1 to 5 John Perry McGAHEY Realty Inc PL 4-4585 IVES ESTATES to 5 2070 13th Ct $25 Deposit $74 Month NO CLOSING COST 1 MORTGAGE BEDROOM 2 bath CBS lust I ke new large Tot screened Florida room curtains and drapes new awnings stove refrigerator city water directly opposite school VISIT A REALTY CORP 538 NW 7TH AVE PL 4 2639 7300 NE 8TH AYE OPEN 2 to 5 Attractive 3 bedroom 2 bath CBS Florida room 2 car oarage on high terraced corner Had been asking $24750 Must sell Will consider offers National Realty PL 9-3339 ST ROSE OF LIMA 480 110TH ST IDEAL for retirees 2 bedroom heme Reduced fo $12 500 Must be sold $600 down FHA terms Open 1 30 to 5 George Martin Realtor PL 6-4925 THIS IS FACT! NOT FICTION $450 DOWN NO CLOSING COSTS 1 FHA Mortgage -17697 OPEN 2 TO 6 15741 15TH AVE FURNISHED well built CBS bedrooms Florida room tile roof carport awnings near 163rd St Snooping schools and transportation SEE OR CALL EVE MICHELE KAISER LEE Realtors 135 79TH ST 7-4581 MU PL 1-6462 Forced sale By Attorney NO CLOSING cost no ouallfytng 3 bedroom 2 baths closed garage modern built-in kitchen One block to shopping and schools $340 down $79 a month 1515 206th St Wl 5 2646 OPEN dally New 3 bedroom CBS Oak floors air Cond Priced right 864 144th Sf Wl 7 2590 BISCAYNE PARK OUTSTANDING DUPLEX 11107 1ITH PLACt HOME with income Can be bought for LESS than bank conservative appraisal 4W year old Charming Faroe 2 bedroom Apts 1 beautifully furnished Other leased for $100 month Sea today or call ELEANOR EVANS PL 4-3531 Eves UN 4-1105 Read Martin Davidson Realtors 12195 Biscayne Blvd WATERFRONT BEAUTY 1201 86TH STREET A TRULY lovely 2 bedroom bath waterfront hom In top rated Davis Harbor Filtered pool Boat dork tz block to bay Many extras Only 842500 Call Leslie Van Liew THE KEYES CO 234 Blse Blvd Realtors FR 1-392 BEST BUY IN COUNTY 4-5 1I4TH ST OPEN 2 5 CUSTOM built new spacious 3 bed-room central air-Cond heat cir euler paxed drive entrance fever separate dining room largo built-in Medallion kitchen FLIZABETH ANSTINE REALTOR 975 6th Av PL 4 6644 OPEN It TIL 5 12035 11TH CT TRULY luxurious 3 bedroom 2 bath (ot 100' 130' superb landscaping targe bedrooms air conditioner oth er extras Priced to sell tn the 20 Must be seen to be eopreoated NAT KEMPNER REALTOR 5 2451 1630 17th Av SAYE OVER $1000 BEAUTIFUL waterfront mnhal home in Skytafct area 4 bedrooms 3 bath huge double garage screen nriosed twimmmg poot many cu- fnm features 3 $595 DOWN 78 per month no closing no Qualifying 3 bedrooms hardwood floors fenced yard awn- CORNER large room sprin- Jnj carport near schools bv owner kier svstem 1 FHA mortgage No 12040 20th Ct MU 1 5393 closing cost DAVID MILLFR "YOUR PER5DMAL BROKER" 5-6301 1989 163RD ST HARDWOOD FLOORS WALK TO BURDINES SPOTLESS 3 bedroom 2 bath hug Florida room garage slove refrigerator air Cond full sprinkler system larqe well landscaped lot PRICED FOR FAST SALE A BUY AT $18900 163RD ST REALTY INC NE 161rd St Wl 5 4116 LOW DOWN PAYMENT ALMOST new 4 bedrooms 2 baths $1450 DOWN Praver built large 3 assume existing mortgage No oua-bedroom 2 bath air Cond laroe lifymg no closing cost Kitchen com-irreenad patio home In Windward pletely Furn Call owner NA 4-8166 DRIVE BY THESE-NOT OPEN 1287 100TH ST 4 BEDROOM 3 bath with central air Cond and heat Just reduced to sensible figure 53 106TH ST 3 BEDROOM 2 bath 2 car garage Owner anxious make offer 705 94TH ST 3 BEDROOM 2 bath all built In features Terms excellent Good location 9915 4TH AVE RD 2 BEDROOM 2 bath plus guest room and bath centra! heat and air Cond on large lot PHONE ON THIS ONE EXECUTIVE home In beautiful Miami Shores Bay Park estates 4 bedroom central air Cond and heat Pius screened pool and B-B CALVIN McCUTCHEN PL 8 8921 REALTOR PL 4 7846 215 98TH ST MIAMI SHORES BARRY College Shores area 200 210 110th St (1) neat 2 bedroom CBS corner (2) darling 3 room cottage Bath nicely Furn 15800 Terms Widow must sell "Justice for buyer and seller" DON'T MISS LOVELY 3 bedroom 2'h bath large Florida room 2 cor garage Com-oletely and nicely Furn including washer and dryer Priced to aelf good terms 1270 TOTH ST OPEN 1 TO Jack Justice Realtor 1143 96th St MB UN 6-6211 173 NE 107TH ST OPEN 2 to 5 Widow returning North mut sell 3 bedroom 2 bath CBS Florida room garage tcreen porch! 'overlooking tropical paiden a been asking $22 5T0 Will consider offers National Realty PL 9-3339 SPECTACULAR VIEW BAYFRONT home and poof Superb setting in exclusive Bay Park Es fate 4 bedrooms 3 baths central heat and air-Cond Shown by ap pomtment PL 9 3919 1490 101st 118 111TH ST BEDROOMS t'3 baths larqe Floe Ida room well and sDrmkier system new laiousied windows and fenced yard All this and country club privileges too tor under $20000 with good terms BRETTHAUER CO REALTORS 8410 1ST PL PL 1-6532 ATTRACTIVE 3 bedroom In excel lent neighborhood club privileges 200 down See 109 NW 110th SL Owner 75 110'h St BEDROOMS 3 baths den full dtn-Ing room real value Open daily 5h IlflTH ST BEDROOM 2 bath mrety large living tree Open daily Bum 1120 I5TH ST BEDROOMS 4'? baths central heat air Cond Shores area 161 92ND ST BFDROOM 7'i bath nr tvrv-thirg low down payment Open 3 $2'0 CASH $4 month 2 bedroom CBS Opa Locka PL 4 0148 ILLNESS forces sale 2 houses 1 lot Good income 194 24th St ALL $100-5200 DOWN FORECLOSURES nearly new 3 4 bedrooms 2 bafhs CBS homes In and Norwood sections No nuai Ifymg GOOD CREDIT REQUIRED VISIT 283 79TH ST BRIGHT REALTORS PL 7 8456 $295 DOWN $70 MONTH ATTRACTIVE corner 3 bedroom CBS plus Florida room No Qualifying no closing costs Balanre $9 405 10702 18th Ave Owner PL 4 5193 NEW 2 bedroom oak floors carport stove refrigerator $12 500 $67 month 3561 101st St MU 8 2847 NO QUALIFYING MOVE IN SUBMIT YOUR DOWN PAYMENT 735 50 TH AVE $10 000 NETHERLAND REALTOR FR 9 2023 FRAME house 1918 3 rooms and bath Forn 86th St lalousled front porch lot down payment Phone 696 4018 75x90' low XW OW can be arranged PARTLY Furn 2 3 bedroom CBS built in kitchen Income unit huge Florida room air conditioner Fun doub'e lot 6741 NW 6th Ct SACRIFICE 2 bedroom CBS new furniture Pius knick knacks wall fo wall carpet In living room car port plus Florida room Total $11300 76 39th St NO CASH 920 198fh St Keep up mortgage payments HI 6 722? REPOSSESSED $100 DOWN WHY PAY RENT? STATE REALTY 471 tf INCOME 167th St Wl 71431 irorerty Modern duplex 1 yard fencedr owner NE 3 2856 NFAP NORTHSIDF SHOPPING PRIVATE owner CBS lovely 3 bedroom 2 hath hardwood floor built In e'rctric kitchen garage awninqa extra Near chooi 3515 82nd St OWNER sacrifice 3 bedroom 2 bath Small down 1040 199th St WILL SACRIFICE 132hO 19TH AVE LARGE fenced corner 3 bedrooms carport file root stove and refrigerator Move naht in No Qualify Inq no closing costs Call owner FR 3 3304 BARGAIN-CLOSE IN $8 1250 CASH $60 MONTH GOOD well built 2 bedroom home plus 1 efficiency Apt garage separate utility building over concrete bomb shelter Mormon Realtor 263? NE 2nd Ave FR 9 308) PL 9 3509 $145 DOWN Inrludes closing cost NO QUALIFYING bedroom 2 belh CBS $8 month i klh rnt in bedroom bath CBS 50 month 3 bedroom 1 bate CBS $82 SO month 5rt TUyAT i LATHAM REALTY 14800 27tn Ave MU 16076 NO CASH DOWN BUY 11kg rent Two beautiful new home Near chooi hooping center 2251-226! llt Terr LARGER than normal 3 bedrnnm 7 bath eat of tht Turnpike screened P'oride room targe utiii ty room Walking distance to ell vhool convenient tn shopping Centers 901 182nd St Cali CE 8 0686 5 BEDROOMS 2 BATHS down or mortgage SCO LUCILLE BRUNNER 16348 Dixie Hwy VA month $8 800 Price REALTOR Wl 7 2 567 ANXIOUS SELLER' $400 3000 Total 4 bedroom 2 bath LANDSCAPED CBS FURNISHED REFRIGERATOR stove well fence $6968 MONTHLY OWNER pays closing costs! schools shops Prestige area see today' ART PRESENT REAL ESTATE INC I 5-2661 1133 163rd St Near Must SKYLAKE-SELLORRENT CUSTOM built "deluxe" 3 bedroom 2 bath huge formica kitchen oversized garage air Cond immediate occupancy Owner Will Give Excellent Term DON'T HESITATE! 163RD ST 1801 163rd REALTY INC St Wt 5-41TA PAYMENTS $39 1335 NE151ST ST FEW BLOCKS BURDINES FINE carpeting 2 ton air Cond refrigerator washer TOTAL PRICE $11600 OPEN ALL DAY! Fagnenl Realty 2273 163rd St BEDROOMS $10 490 TOTAL Dl LORETO ASSOC INC 2120 163rd St Wl 5 271 1 BATH 2 Bedrooms Beautifully Furn LARGE FLORIDA ROOM 2 PATIOS NEAR EVERYTHING LOUIS RAHAL Realtor HI 1-1194 'SCHILLER'S FOR VALUE -DON'T WAIT BEDROOM home plus beautiful custom built pool Reduced to $14700 PHIL SCHILLER Realtor METRO SHOPPING CENTFR 5-5494 2007 161RD ST Jusfica for buvnr and Hr A LITTLE BIT MORE ELEGANCE quality VALUE BEDROOM prostiga Skvlek PCUR'JUim ireij irQ lakasida homa An custom Marlboro home Reduced now S41 000 Central air Cond large rreened patio and family room kit with built everything Open 5 Sea Sumner Sydman 184A 193RO ST Jack Justice Realtor St UN 6 6211 SCHILLER FGR VALUE DOWN-NO QUALIFYING NO CLOSING COSTS BEDROOMS piu Pinrldrnom SCHILLER REALTOR TRC METRO SHOPPING CENTER 55494 2007 163rd St OPEN 1 TO 5 1133 NE 158TH ST SPIC $nd eoan bedronm hardwood tloore well prink'f tvv tern corner lot 2 lr Wait te ebJrehes and shopped Purvianct Broker Wl 74998 1 1 5 Manor Key in office George Martin Realtor Pt 4 4995 rk 3 BRAND NEW! REDUCED SI 000! $15900 TOTAL MORTGAGE PLACED $78 PER MONTH NO CLOSING COSTS cufnm hullt 3 bedconm home has every quality feature you could want Screened Flor-Ida rnom cantral heat trie roof awning window formic k'tchen built-m rang and oven OPEN I BY OWNER 1751 172ND ST TU SH55 THIS bath JUST completed ail latent feaHre 2 bedroom 2 bath Florida room Also 3 bedroom 2 bath come Near Shopping and achooL 1850 161 St MAKE OFFER BSDROOM bath Eajtvlew Ma-nor equipped kitchen awning oversized lot exotic patio Owner-left must sell immediately FHA dcai tv Had Lentm FR 4 3135 SUPREME REALTY OUTSTANDING 1 bedroom 2 bath Florida room carport Select out-et neighborhood $4000 down bal ance pay like rent ANTONIO SOTO Broker PL 7-0064 NORTHWEST MAKE Offer 3 bedroom 2 bath many extra Aum VA mortgage 4'V NA I 2065 620 NWl3rdTar NEW corner 100 x100' 3 bedroom 2 bath Central heat acreened porrh enclosed garage built in e'ectric kit cheo VA no cash down $88 mnnth School church ehog NA 4-1512 ELL or trad new 3 bedroom 2 bath csrnort acreened patio 7'x lot $t57hd $1T month 1980 17th St NA 1-6384 1 BUY PAY LIKE RENT ytl 171st st I BEDROOM CBS fenced yer tove and refrigerater ttig ronf cinag to shopping trhooi and chur che ova no Qualifying no dosing costs Cell FR 3-3JC4 MUST SELL-CUT TO THE BONE! BEDROOM bath central heat I IBB MONTHLY air Cond FHA financed open BFDROOM be'h 7 year new HOWARD MASTERS export rM'" Blvd Realtor PL 618 JQJ ftvr BM NEW DELUXE CO-OP APT APT PRICE was $41000 Prieg for lm-mediate sale at $16 900 1st mort egg $29 500 NO CLOSING COSTS pnoo UN or JE 1 3998 for BAYFRONT Large 3 bedroom aepomtmtnf with builder or seg It) btns Unfurn Cp deux $jn 15 19th Av at Mayma Ryan Broer PL 9 783 1fm st NICE 3 bedroom 2 bath Near bay Ope 1C Owner 1245 9m St oq HEAT AND AIR CONDITIONED 1 790 ST PL 8 29771 rni we v'SI Si 9550 1ST AVE CUSTOM built 2 bedroom home 11 larg rooms dining room garag Aluminum Window Low 20 LANG REALTOR PL 9-0672 PATIO OPEN 2-5 1545 NE 104TH ST SPLIT-LEVEL ultra modern 3 room 4 bath 3 cer garage Sylvan Maxwell Realbr PL 4-8637 FOBFCLOSED HOMES CWNFD bv Federal Government Must snld now At low $100 drivvn Immed ate orcupanrv WALLACH A ASSOCIATES AGENTS 166 12rd It PL 1-5631 WE HAVE 'em Talk over your need with ut today (No obligation of rourxe) ART PRESENT RFAL ESTATE INC Wl S-2661 1133 163rd St BY OWNER EVrlde rnom fence iy- Cflrner feeing Ngrthld Shppnmgicimm cnt 1000 38lh Ct Center end Catheig- chaoel neerlnetien Gard" schools $17500 ter dll OX 1-8608 ROSEMAN REALTY Hl 8 6211 Move right in No Qualifying Nn 1.
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